Is Your Furnace Ready for Fall?
Take Advantage With Our October Furnace & Duct Cleaning Special
With cooler temperatures in the air, October is the perfect time to clean your ducts to stay cozy and comfortable this fall and winter. For the month of October, Cozy Comfort Plus TM is offering 10% off of duct cleaning services.
Clients who take advantage of this offer are eligible to receive 10% off a UV Air Purification System Furnace Lamp!
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Maintenance and Tune Up
Maintenance is included in this promotion! Regular duct cleaning helps your furnace operate reliably,
and reduces the likelihood of a costly repair.

With this offer, Cozy Comfort Plus TM is pleased to offer UV lights to improve your indoor air quality by eliminating odours, bacteria and allergens (pollen, dust, mold and more).
Fill out the form below to get a duct cleaning estimate
A clean furnace, included in this promotion, will reduce your utility bill because it operates more
efficiently and requires less energy.
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