Exclusive Boxing Week Deals on Fireplaces Heat Pumps and More

Boxing Day Super Sale Banner

This Boxing Week, Cozy Comfort Plus brings you unmatched savings on premium fireplaces, heating systems, and more! From December 26, 2024, to January 2, 2025, enjoy incredible discounts that will make your home cozier than ever.

Boxing Week Offers You Can’t Miss:

For more details, Contact Cozy Comfort today

Why Choose Cozy Comfort Plus?

Explore these offers and experience the Cozy Comfort Plus difference: top-rated products, professional installation, and trusted service.

Hurry, these deals are only valid until January 2, 2025!

Visit Us in North York:
1170 Sheppard Ave. W. #48
Hours: Monday–Friday: 8 am–5 pm, Saturday: 10:30 am–2 pm

Call us today at 416-780-9760 to learn more about our promotions and schedule your consultation.


This Boxing week offer ends January 2, 2025. Contact us today to take advantage of these incredible deals before they’re gone!

Fill out the form below for more details

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