It’s Time to Apply for Heating & Cooling Rebates in Ontario Before It Gets Too Late!
Summer season is the one season you can’t live without air conditioning. So, if you are looking to buy a new air conditioning unit, it is very important to factor in a few things in order to make a wise purchase decision. The things to consider include; the latest models, whether a particular model is energy efficient or not, and most importantly, the rebates.
If you are thinking of buying any kind of new HVAC equipment, here is what you need to know!
1- Costly HVAC Equipment Means More Incentives
The HVAC equipment that is highly priced usually comes with higher government rebates and incentives. Mostly, high rebates are offered on HVAC equipment that is energy efficient.
2- Increase in Rebates During Summers
Government and power companies are all in for encouraging people to use energy efficient HVAC equipment in order to reduce energy consumption, especially during the summer season. This is why the government offers higher rebates and incentives in summer season when people are expected to buy new AC units. When you’re buying, you might as well buy energy efficient equipment!
In Canada, similar grants and government benefits are offered to Canadian homeowners who are interested in buying new HVAC equipment. The main agenda behind offering such benefits is to offset the repair and maintenance cost of your existing HVAC unit or its upgrading cost.
These government incentives and rebates vary from province to province and are subject to amendment or change any day. What brand you purchase is not important. What matters is that you buy a new energy-efficient model. It’s better if you buy a model that is ENERGY STAR certified. This is what’s going to qualify you for availing the rebates. The one thing that you need to keep in mind is that it’s difficult to get rebates and incentives once you have already replaced your air conditioner, furnace, and water heater etc.
Rebates & Incentives in Ontario
In Ontario, such rebates and incentives are offered by Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), which was formerly known as Ontario Power Authority (OPA). Here are a few details about the rebates offered by the company:
- The rebates are known as “Save on Energy” rebates and they do not require energy audits.
- The HVAC equipment must be purchased from a company that is registered to offer these rebates.
- Once the company has installed the new HVAC equipment at your place, it will file for the rebates and you will be given a check within the next six months.
It’s best to take advantage of these rebates and incentives in the summer season before the government cancels them. If you’re considering buying a new furnace, air conditioner, or any other HVAC equipment, then contact Cozy Comfort Plus and request a quote at your earliest. Our contractors will inform you about the new energy efficient models in the market and will provide you all the details pertaining to the current government credits and rebates.