Built for lasting reliability and value
The ML193 offers continuous comfort at a smart price. But value doesn’t mean compromise. It’s still built to exacting Lennox® standards, with the Lennox commitment to your comfort.
Smart savings and efficient energy use
The ML193 offers an efficiency of up to 93% AFUE. So you can keep your home comfortable, without worrying that you’re wasting energy.
Tough construction for lasting comfort
The ML193 is built from heavy-gauge steel and includes a stainless-steel secondary heat exchanger. This rugged construction means it will provide winter after winter of continual, reliable comfort.
Dual-fuel operation offers greater efficiency
When the ML193 is paired with a Lennox® heat pump, it creates a system that can automatically alternate between electricity and gas to keep you warm. So you’re always using the most energy-efficient way to keep comfortable.
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