The True evolution in whole – home, year-round comfort
We put our best minds and technologies to the test when we created Zuba-Central. And they didn’t disappoint. From energy-saving features like VCSI technology to powerhouse performance features like our Hyper-Heat Inverter (H2i) technology, Zuba-Central is packed with so many advancements that we have no reservations in calling it the true evolution in whole-home, year-round comfort.
Evolution is associated with advanced thinking, and advanced thinking brings you great benefits. By combining the benefits of heat pump technology with centralized ductwork, Zuba-Central easily poises itself as the new and better way to provide year-round heating and cooling comfort.
Made exclusively for Canada, this easy-to-install, money- and the space-saving system will forever change the way you experience heating & air conditioning. Explore all of the benefits below and you’ll soon see how.
Central Ducted System
A traditional heating and cooling system used to mean inefficient gas furnaces, baseboard heaters, and bulky air conditioners. Or worse still, messy and expensive oil-based systems. They’re all noisy, lack of performance, and, by the very nature of their design, cost a lot to operate.
Mitsubishi Electric has always been on the cutting edge of heating and cooling technology. Not to mention money- saving, space-saving, quiet and earth-friendly. Now with Zuba-Central, we’ve made it possible to introduce the superior benefits and technology of a Mitsubishi Electric system into your new or existing ductwork. The difference is simply amazing.
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