Carrier Ductless Split Systems
Toshiba Residential (Carrier):
In our opinion, this system is more than ductless—it’s peerless. Designed for unsurpassed cooling and heating comfort, this compact wall system boasts a staggering energy-efficiency rating of up to 23.0 SEER. And likewise, as a heat pump, it gives seriously impressive HSPF ratings of up to 10.0.
Infinity Residential (Carrier):
The Infinity series is all about choice. You can choose a heat pump—for cool-season heating and warm-season cooling—or an air conditioner unit. You can even opt for a system that’s designed for open floor plans or multiple rooms.
Performance Residential (Carrier):
The Performance series is all about choice. You can choose a heat pump—for cool-season heating and warm-season cooling—or an air conditioner unit. You can even opt for a system that’s designed for open floor plans or multiple rooms.
Comfort Residential (Carrier):
Presenting our most economical way to bring cooling and heating to room spaces you’d like to turn into your comfort zones. Our Comfort series includes your choice of an air conditioner for cooling or a heat pump for cool-season heating comfort.
Toshiba Commercial (Carrier):
If you’re like most business owners, you value overachievers. Our top-performing heat pumps are available in your choice of wall, cassette or under-ceiling configurations to match the unique needs of your building’s space.
Performance Commercial (Carrier):
If you’re looking for a balance of performance and economy, these ductless systems mean business. You’ll enjoy a 3-speed fan and a solid energy rating of up to 17.4 SEER.
Find more details about Carrier Ductless Split Systems (ductless mini split systems)
Carrier Toshiba Ductless System Underceiling Indoor Unit RAVCT
Carrier Toshiba Ductless System LT.Commercial Heat Pump RAVAT
Carrier Toshiba Ductless System High wall Indoor Unit RAVKR
Carrier Toshiba Ductless System Ducted Indoor Unit RAVBT
Carrier Toshiba Ductless System Cassette Indoor Unit RAVUT
Carrier Toshiba Ductless High Wall Indoor Unit RASEK
Carrier Toshiba Ductless High Wall Indoor Unit RASEC
Carrier Toshiba Ductless Heat pump with Basepan Heater RASE2
Carrier Toshiba Ductless Heat Pump RASEV
Carrier Toshiba Ductless Air Conditioner RASEA
Carrier Performance Residential Ductless System Multi-ZoneHeat Pump with Basepan Heater 38MGR
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Carrier Performance Residential Ductless System Heat Pump with Basepan Heater 38MAR
Carrier Performance Residential Ductless System Floor Console Indoor Unit 40MBFQ
Carrier Performance Residential Ductless System Floor Console Indoor Unit 40MBF
Carrier Performance Residential Ductless System Ducted Indoor Unit 40MBDQ
Carrier Performance Residential Ductless System Ducted Indoor Unit 40MBD
Carrier Performance Residential Ductless System Cassette Indoor Unit 40MBCQ
Carrier Performance Residential Ductless System Cassette Indoor Unit 40MBC
Carrier Performance Ductless System Commercial Heat Pump 38MBR
Carrier Performance Ductless System Commercial Heat Pump 38MBQ
Carrier Infinity Residential Ductless System Multi-Zone Heat Pump 38GJQ
Carrier Infinity Residential Ductless System High Wall indoor unit 40GRQ
Carrier Infinity Residential Ductless System High Wall indoor unit 40GJB
Carrier Infinity Residential Ductless System Heat Pump with Basepan Heater 38GRQ
Carrier Infinity Residential Ductless System Floor Console Indoor Unit 40GJF
Carrier Infinity Residential Ductless System Ducted Indoor Unit 40GJD
Carrier Infinity Residential Ductless System Cassette Indoor Unit 40GJC
Carrier Comfort Residential Ductless System High Wall Indoor Unit 40MHHQ
Carrier Comfort Residential Ductless System High Wall Indoor Unit 40MHHC
Carrier Comfort Residential Ductless System High Wall Indoor Unit 40MFQ
Carrier Comfort Residential Ductless System High Wall Indoor Unit 40MFC
Carrier Comfort Residential Ductless System Heat Pump 38MHRQ
Carrier Comfort Residential Ductless System Heat Pump 38MFQ
Carrier Comfort Residential Ductless System Air Conditioner 38MHRC
Carrier Comfort Residential Ductless System Air Conditioner 38MFC