Lennox CBX32MV Variable Speed-Multi Position Air Handlers

A quiet and efficient air handler for almost any installation. The CBX32MV is compatible with the advanced control of the iComfort® S30 Smart Thermostat, which delivers unparalleled comfort and connectivity, whether you’re home or away.


Built to be quiet
Variable-speed motor ramps up slowly, so there’s never a noisy blast of air at startup.

Humidity control in the summer and all year round
During hot weather, continuous air circulation helps lower humidity levels inside your home.

Variable-speed technology makes all the difference
Variable-speed technology precisely controls airflow, which helps maximize energy efficiency and reduce operating sounds.

Compatible with the iComfort® S30 thermostat
The CBX32MV is compatible with the advanced control of the iComfort® S30 Smart Thermostat, which delivers unparalleled comfort and connectivity, whether you’re home or away.


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